Join us at the Tavern on the Point, 6724 Northwest Highway in Edison Park (Chicago) for the Northwest Side GOP Club Holiday Party. It's not a meeting, IT'S A PARTY!!! We're going to be upstairs, with access to the outdoor deck (where you can smoke cigars!) and planning to have some top level candidates. $20 per person takes care of the appetizers and the venue rental (cash bar). Come out to help us celebrate the Holiday Season, wish each other a Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas or a Happy Kwanza, as well as a Happy New Year! This party gives you a chance to speak with committeemen, local politicians, candidates and our NWSGOP membership. We'll be hosting a special 'double raffle' that afternoon and look forward to YOU attending. We're starting at 4pm and heading for the exits by 7pm. We hope YOU can join us!
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